Category: Ministry

Do you need a new perspective?  Here is something that might help: What do you do to change your perspective, especially on the days when people annoy you?
Have you noticed that your church is getting grayer? Is the liveliness and vitality a thing of yesterday? If not, maybe you just haven’t seen the result yet of a generation that loves Jesus but feels a real disconnect with the church. Caleb Breakey is out to change this. He wants to help Millenials stay connected. […]
Enjoy: What makes you the one in charge? Do your expectations of a good leader change with the situation?
How to recruit volunteers
Do you need help? If not, then you must be a fantastic recruiter, because every person in ministry has more on their plate than they can handle. God did this on purpose. When we pull people in to work alongside us, we provide them with a way to connect. How do you get people to […]
Skateboarder going all in
While waiting at the doctor office today, my daughter and I looked through the People Magazine Olympic edition. Have you ever really looked at sports photos? There is something amazing that happens. Winning athletes leave it all on the field. Meaning, they give everything they have. Look at their faces. Every muscle is pushing to […]
Margaret will show up in your church on Sunday. She is probably on several committees, and the first to sign up for your event team; but she is hurting. In the last few years, Margaret’s life has changed. Her husband’s career is at its peak. He works long hours, and unlike the Cialis commercial, life […]
Are you going? That is the question you want your people to ask each other. How do you facilitate that conversation? In my first job as a youth intern, we held a car wash. The day before the car wash, I got on the phone and called every kid in the group. Later, the youth […]
Welcome our special guest post by Jennifer Lubanski, a counselor and teacher.    She may not come every week but she has been a background fixture in your church for many years. Watch how she interacts with the people around her.  Her interactions will bounce between sweet and bizarrely severe.  Most people ignore her or boss her around.The few […]
Sharon is part of the “sandwich generation” – those who are taking care of aging parents while raising children of their own. With kids staying home, or returning home through their 20’s, this generation is only getting bigger. A few years ago, Sharon was probably one of your go-to people for events or kids’ Sunday […]
What do you hear?
My oldest child was plagued by ear infections. There were times when I felt like her “selective hearing” was actually due to an inability to hear instead of belligerence. One morning, I woke up to a TV so loud, I was sure they could hear it in Cambodia. With a few phone calls, I got […]