Category: Ministry

For several years, I’ve been asking myself this question – you see, I love big church. In fact, my favorite church size is about 600. Yet in the back of my head, I hear the question: Is it possible for a church to be healthy if it is large? My study of ecclesiology (the nature […]
Lent starts Wednesday. Lent is a season of the year where we prepare for Easter. Early Christians didn’t practice Lent. Instead, they held all-nighters to remember the time between Jesus’ death and resurrection. Time and tradition lengthened this time of remembrance to the 40 days before Easter. Today, Lent is a time where many people […]
Funny how retirement is only a concept until you hit about 50. Then you start to wonder…will I have enough? With one eye on scripture, and the other on the news, here are some things to consider: 1. More than one country in Europe has decided to take over personal pensions in order to relieve […]
One day, John the Baptist was particularly down. He began to wonder if he’d made it all up – if maybe he wasn’t the Prophet foretold, and maybe Jesus was just one in a string of “messiahs”. So, instead of stewing in his negative space, he sent his followers to Jesus to see if it […]
This morning, I just sat and listened to my heart talk to God. I know. That sounds really odd. It had been quite a while since I’d just leveled with God, I found myself with an extra hour and decided to not try to accomplish anything. Instead, I spent the hour just letting my heart […]
Remember that song? “Because little becomes much, when you place it in the Master’s hand.” It was called Ordinary People, and it came out when I was a kid. It really doesn’t matter how much you have, God has called you to more. He has more for you to do, but before you can do […]
Sometimes your kids amaze you. Everyone of my kids has already surpassed me in some way.  Today I want to show you something my oldest daughter created – it will inspire you. I’ve been reading Jeremiah. I keep asking myself – what gods am I serving other than God? What do the golden calves of today  look […]
Leadership is important. Without leadership, people flail, and their efforts dissipate. While good leaders bring order and find a product that is more than the sum of the parts, poor leadership can bring destruction and pain. Often, those who are on a negative leadership path fail to see the implications of their behavior because they have already […]
Have you ever considered the power of the interruption? We have some weird genetic thing in our house – when my kids were little every single one of them either ran or spun in circles – incessantly. One of them even crawled in circles! I say it is genetic because I remember one of my […]
Hopefully, real revolution will come to your church this Sunday. This revolution could be a new, dynamic and lasting dependence on God. A need for change is often triggered by a catastrophic event, much like the show Revolution. There is a reason so many of our movies and TV shows are set in the post-apocalyptic genre. […]