Category: Ministry

You have all these people who would be great leaders…if only they were trained. Today, we will look at some options for training. 1. Throw them in the deep end. Remember when dads used to teach their kids to swim by throwing them off the dock into the lake? The reason they did this is […]
Are there people in your church that baffle you? If you have ever watched Big Bang Theory, you have an idea of what the world of the highly intelligent looks like. (If you haven’t, know that the show is about highly intelligent people who don’t know Jesus and their endeavor to make sense of the […]
“I’ve tried to implement this but…I have come against the hard wall of opposition to change.” Ever feel that way when you are trying to make much-needed changes? This is very normal. When you try to make a change of any kind, you are going to meet resistance. In fact, you will have a small […]
stage fright
It was my turn! Working on a team of 9, my opportunities to be on stage were limited; but finally it was my turn to do announcements. I had the list, and I rehearsed it several times, knowing that if I did a good job, I’d get more opportunities to speak from the pulpit. Then […]
surfing waves of change
At least part of my childhood was spent listening to the teenagers on our partyline. Today, we video chat, everyone has a cell phone, and my kids develop friendships with people in Europe via Mumble and Minecraft. The world has changed, but it would have been easy to stick with the rotary phone. After all, […]
Difficult people frustrate us. On a good day, we can at least be kind. On bad days this seems impossible. How would you be able to love people like Jesus even on your most difficult days? Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43 After being […]
Outreach to Introverts
Some people are naturally gregarious. Neil isn’t. Neil is an introvert. It isn’t that he doesn’t like people. In fact, Neil really likes being with people. However, in order to recharge, he needs time by himself. Lots of time. His job is excellent for his personality, demanding a high level of competence, but allowing a […]
Jeni will show up at your church this week. She might be a visitor, but she is just as likely to be the daughter or granddaughter of a longstanding member. Keep an eye out for her. She is precious. She is on the brink, and she needs to know God cares. When Jeni was 7 […]
Only about 3% of your congregation will ever say “I’m ready for a ministry! Plug me in!” It probably won’t surprise you to know that only 11% of your congregation will respond to a plea from the pulpit (and this is only if you do everything right). Yet 98% of your congregation is more than […]
building community
“The church has cornered the market on building community. Can you teach me to do that?” I sat at lunch with our Neighborhood Association President – I was floored at her request. The thoughts tumbled through my brain. We have cornered the market? Is she looking for skills, or for a relationship with God? What […]