
Today, I read a couple of articles that bring up an interesting conversation – how our theology effects our view on poverty and social class. The first is an article on the shrinking of the middle class in America. This first article shows that the class divide in America is expanding. The number of households making […]
Transition has three parts. They are linear. You really can’t do step two or three before step one (unlike the “stages of grief” which are not linear). The first step of transition, according to William Bridges, is this: knowing what you are letting go of, and letting go of it. That works when you are […]
One day, John the Baptist was particularly down. He began to wonder if he’d made it all up – if maybe he wasn’t the Prophet foretold, and maybe Jesus was just one in a string of “messiahs”. So, instead of stewing in his negative space, he sent his followers to Jesus to see if it […]
Today a friend told us about encountering a moose in the Glacier National Forest. Those around the table shared survival tips. “You are supposed to make yourself as big as possible!” One person said. In reality, the family just tiptoed away, trying not to startle the amazingly awe-inducing animal. Sometimes, you run into a very […]
Lately I’ve been pulling together observations about how people connect with God. Here are some random thoughts – please take a moment to read, think and respond. Layer 1: People’s Love Languages seem to be connected to how they feel love from God. Layer 2: The way people receive information (audio, visual,  kinesthetic) seems to […]
This morning, I just sat and listened to my heart talk to God. I know. That sounds really odd. It had been quite a while since I’d just leveled with God, I found myself with an extra hour and decided to not try to accomplish anything. Instead, I spent the hour just letting my heart […]
If you are going to do something new, you are going to have to stop doing something you used to do. It is a simple fact. There are only 1440 minutes in a day. You used to use those minutes one way, now you will use them another. Typically, when we decide to move forward, […]
“If only…” “Someday…” There is a part of me that is always making excuses. I’m not who I was created to be because…”I’m too fat”; “I have bills”; “I’m not detailed enough” or when all else fails, “maybe another day.” The truth is that God is not surprised by our circumstances. He created us. He […]
Remember that song? “Because little becomes much, when you place it in the Master’s hand.” It was called Ordinary People, and it came out when I was a kid. It really doesn’t matter how much you have, God has called you to more. He has more for you to do, but before you can do […]
For years, I beat myself up for not being able to keep my house in pristine condition. Mind you, for the most part, we didn’t live in squalor. There was a short time where I remember praying on at least three different occasions “God would please get my house vacuumed today?” only to find that […]