Category: Leadership

Four years ago, my life took a huge detour. It was confusing, painful, and lonely. I thought something was wrong with me. I thought my life was over – not the act of being alive, but the act of being useful. I faced a well of despair that was impossible to climb out of. The […]
It is obvious and safe to assume that I know nothing about the liturgical church, aside from the fact that they kneel at certain times in their services, use their programs for more than announcements, and have a church calendar that they use to understand God and the rhythm of life better (and I might […]
During the four weeks leading up to Christmas, I spent special time focusing on the Christmas story. This year I learned a lesson that I am still unfolding –> that God speaks to each of us in a unique way that especially geared to our temperament, our personality, our place in life, and our calling. […]
As many of you know, from time to time publishers give me copies of books to read and review. (For my blogging friends, I’ve found a new platform, Netgalley that is awesome.) However, sometimes the books I read aren’t that great. Thus was the case with the Accidental Bride.  Prior to Christmas, I was looking for […]
I wish that was the question. However, as I look at my life objectively, I realize that the real question is “what do I fear today?” In my younger years, my real fear was what people thought. In a weird way, this fear didn’t ‘rule’ my life – I still did whatever God asked me […]
The tree on the left has been in Denny Park Seattle for generations. It remains a willing shade and oxygen producer not because it has spread it’s branches to encompass the park (it hasn’t) but because it has sent roots deep. When I first started this blog almost a year ago, I envisioned a place […]
What is it about life – sometimes you go through day after day and nothing changes. There are a few tricks that will help you get focus. 1. Figure out what your focus is. What is your life about? If you looked at everything you do, what would it all boil down to? Are you […]
This morning, Wes and I were discussing scripture. Does it ever seem odd to you that the Jewish people were avidly looking for the Messiah, but when he showed up, the religious leaders, those best equipped to identify him, called him a blasphemer? This brings to mind expectations. You see, the common folk expected the […]
If you read the book The Resignation of Eve, you will be changed. I read it, and am troubled on many levels. First, personally. About 8 years ago, I found myself surrounded by women who were about 10 years older than me. The one thing many of these woman had in common, besides a call […]
It can be very confusing being a woman who yearns to  use her whole person to serve God. I’m not ready to review this book yet, but its import is too great to not start a conversation. I’ve been reading this book since Saturday night, and I have to tell you – it is stretching. […]