Category: Change

Transition has three parts. They are linear. You really can’t do step two or three before step one (unlike the “stages of grief” which are not linear). The first step of transition, according to William Bridges, is this: knowing what you are letting go of, and letting go of it. That works when you are […]
If you are going to do something new, you are going to have to stop doing something you used to do. It is a simple fact. There are only 1440 minutes in a day. You used to use those minutes one way, now you will use them another. Typically, when we decide to move forward, […]
Remember that song? “Because little becomes much, when you place it in the Master’s hand.” It was called Ordinary People, and it came out when I was a kid. It really doesn’t matter how much you have, God has called you to more. He has more for you to do, but before you can do […]
“Life is so, so……daily!” Have you noticed that sometimes days and weeks go by, and you only manage to keep your head above water? You have big goals, but today, your main goal is to stay upright. There are days that I run from morning to night. Okay – most days I run from morning […]
Today, I spent the day budgeting. There are a couple of ways to manage your life – moment by moment, and planned and on purpose.  The truth is, you either manage your life, or it will manage you. There are a lot of ways that budgeting helps us in life. Budget time. Every one of […]
Life has a lot of distractions. Sometimes the biggest distraction is our own ambition. We make big goals – goals so big that they just sit someplace in our  future, waiting to happen. These goals are often so big that we feel like they are impossible.  Here are some goals that might feel so huge they […]
I’ve been reading a new book, Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard. In this book, the Heaths talk about the elements of change. We can try to change things from the outside in, starting with the environment, but lasting change won’t happen until we hook the heart. Once the heart is engaged, […]
Today, welcome guest blogger, and one of the people I admire most: Caitlyn Martinez. If Jesus were to come down to earth again and explain to the leaders of a typical church that everything they hold as important (EG: coffee stands, good worship music, perfectly clean bathrooms) is worthless, nobody would believe Him. Jesus would […]
As I drove home today, it hit me. We are again in grief season. Just about a year ago, my father in law died. Two years ago, my mother in law died in November. Three years ago last June, my sister in law started the avalanche. Grief is hard. It is also inevitable. Grieving as […]
You know, we hear a lot of hoopla about “living the dream”. In fact, there was a time when we used to pay money to tour “Street of Dreams” houses. You know what those houses were? Big, giant catalogs. We were paying money to covet what other people had! The thing is that deep down […]