Category: Change

Yesterday there was an article in the Wall Street Journal that caught my attention. It has a lot to teach us about how people experience change, and how we can help them through the process. For a quick overview of the main concept, check out this video: According to this study, people don’t notices differences […]
Lost in a storm
There are days and weeks where we feel like the world is dumping on us. Similar to New Orleans, we feel like storm after storm rages, and just when we pick ourselves up, another one hits. The thing that gets me is that throughout scripture, storms often accompany an encounter with God. When God spoke […]
Do you need a new perspective?  Here is something that might help: What do you do to change your perspective, especially on the days when people annoy you?
Hannah is coming to your church this Sunday. Until two weeks ago, Hannah lived at home. For the first time in her life, she is on her own and looking for stability. Research shows that most of your college student visitors will be in the first three weeks of the school year. Are you ready […]
There is a flow when life works. When life doesn’t work, we live in that dark, difficult place of pain, anger, fear and depression. Then we wonder: What can I do to make life work? How can I get past these bad feelings and live again? Jesus understood what it is like to be in […]
How do you know if God has opened the door?
In college, I faced a difficult decision. A church, two states away, called me to be their youth pastor. The pastor was excited to have me come, and had arranged to drive to my school and move me south. Quite suddenly, this road that I had been walking felt wrong. I will never know if […]
“I’ve tried to implement this but…I have come against the hard wall of opposition to change.” Ever feel that way when you are trying to make much-needed changes? This is very normal. When you try to make a change of any kind, you are going to meet resistance. In fact, you will have a small […]
surfing waves of change
At least part of my childhood was spent listening to the teenagers on our partyline. Today, we video chat, everyone has a cell phone, and my kids develop friendships with people in Europe via Mumble and Minecraft. The world has changed, but it would have been easy to stick with the rotary phone. After all, […]