Breaking the Ice

I haven’t blogged in a long time. We all have habits that for some unknown reason we dropped. The question is, how to begin again.

When I started to write this, the phrase “break the ice” rose up and demanded an investigation. It turns out that “break the ice” usually means  “Breaking down a social stiffness to make things more comfortable.” Yet strangely, it applies here. You know that feeling of awkwardness when you haven’t talked to someone in a long time? It is about the same feeling as when you haven’t gone to the gym in a long time, or written your blog in a year. It will require a breaking of your current habits and structures to add it back in.

What habits have you dropped and are avoiding? If you were to add them back in, would you feel that rush of joy like greeting a long-lost friend? What are your steps to breaking the ice?

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