Is a Mastermind group worth it?

9537920_sOver the years, I’ve been part of many types of community. Right now, I am almost half way through a year-long mastermind group with a group of ladies from all over the Northwest.

What is a mastermind group? We meet once a month via google hangout, and bring a topic of our choice to the group for consideration. In about 20 minutes, we present our topic and receive feedback.

I started this mastermind group as an experiment to see what a group of incredibly powerful women would look like. I have not been disappointed. Women who were already powerful are stretching and growing in ways I didn’t even expect. Each of us finds great value in the 2 hours a month we spend together.

The concept is so simple. The process doesn’t seem like it would be more helpful than a group of friends having tea. However, over the last few months, I’ve seen each of the women in the group take on new tasks, access resources from one another, and use each other as accountability partners. This group is amazing! Every month, I look forward to our meeting – not only to get new input on my projects, but to see what each of the other women are up to.

God is at work in each of our communities, and He is using us to make a difference.

As you are preparing for your new year, what might a mastermind group look like in your life? If you’d like information on how to set one up, let me know.


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