Category: Coaching

For years, I beat myself up for not being able to keep my house in pristine condition. Mind you, for the most part, we didn’t live in squalor. There was a short time where I remember praying on at least three different occasions “God would please get my house vacuumed today?” only to find that […]
Are you buried in stuff? Life is messy, and when we are under stress, we seem to stop culling our stuff, and start storing it. Six month (or six years) later, we are buried by so many things we lose energy. We stop paying attention to our surroundings, and just focus on surviving. So, three […]
My house cleaning is, at best, done in spits and spurts. For years I transitioned the house from one phase to the next as the kids grew – every six months I went through all the clothes and stuff to make sure we were still using them. The rest of the year, I just hoped that […]
Leadership is important. Without leadership, people flail, and their efforts dissipate. While good leaders bring order and find a product that is more than the sum of the parts, poor leadership can bring destruction and pain. Often, those who are on a negative leadership path fail to see the implications of their behavior because they have already […]
We call this week Passion Week. I don’t come from a liturgical background so I’ve never really understood the term. It just felt like a holy term that didn’t really connect with humanity…so I decided to investigate. The answer is quite simple, but the application is mind blowing. According to Wikipedia, “The Passion is the Christian […]
With the time change comes a real need: get energy – anywhere we can. Today, I took a look at my need for exercise in an attempt to convince myself to get to the gym. I used a fun matrix to work through these thoughts: SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Strengths – the joy […]
Last week, I got to the end of Tuesday, and found myself wondering – why was this such a bad day? We all have them, and the worst is that they don’t always announce themselves. I mean, if you know you are going to get three teeth pulled, you anticipate a difficult day; but there […]
“Life is so, so……daily!” Have you noticed that sometimes days and weeks go by, and you only manage to keep your head above water? You have big goals, but today, your main goal is to stay upright. There are days that I run from morning to night. Okay – most days I run from morning […]
Expectations is a daunting word. Every day, we face not only other people’s expectations, but our own. We also face that grey zone of what we think other people expect of us. How do you deal with all these expectations? Here are a few things that might help: 1. Communication. People don’t know what you […]
Today, I spent the day budgeting. There are a couple of ways to manage your life – moment by moment, and planned and on purpose.  The truth is, you either manage your life, or it will manage you. There are a lot of ways that budgeting helps us in life. Budget time. Every one of […]