How do you stay focused?

If your life is anything like mine, you have 10 things pulling you in 10 different ways. Most days it feels like 50 little grappling hooks, determined to redirect your life.

When I feel overwhelmed, I am drawn to retreat. For me, retreat might be a good book, a TV show, or solitaire (the game) on my tablet.

Over time, I’ve noticed that these simulated “retreats” don’t actually help. They don’t recharge my brain (with the possible exception of a good book) – instead, they just waste time and postpone living.

What drains your time and resources?

Here are some ways you can get back on track and maintain your focus:

1. Make a focus goal. Here’s mine: My life is focused because I use my time and energy to serve others.

2. Walk slowly through your day. When you speed, you lose perspective and forget to reflect on what is important.

3. As you walk slowly, ask yourself – is what I’m about to do in line with my focus goal? If not, don’t do it.

4. Be realistic. Then, there are times when my “time wasters” are called for. I often play solitaire when I’m thinking through a problem, or transitioning from one thing to another. However, an hour at solitaire is a waste of time and energy and not in line with my focus goal. Sometimes, watching TV is the best way to pour into my family. Most of us are introverts, and some days, we just want to be near someone without being talked to. My question in these moments isn’t “am I wasting time”. Instead, I ask – am I meeting my focus goal to use my time and energy to serve others?

5. Ask God to take you to the next level. The reason I discovered this focus goal is because of fat. The one thing I’m perfectly incapable of doing is to lose weight without God’s intervention. I asked God to do the work in me to make it happen. Within a few days, He showed me that a large part of my energy is used by my body trying to digest food I don’t need. Then, God led me to this focus goal.

What is in your life that is depleting your focus?

Ask God to help you change your life pattern and make a real difference in the lives of those around you. You might be surprised at His solutions.

2 Responses

  1. Angela Graham says:

    Are you reading my diary or something? Stop it. It’s starting to freak me out. ; )

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