Welcome to the Get Unstuck Bootcamp. The following activities are important because they will help you prepare for change.
Video 1
Watching the videos is only part of this bootcamp. Great coaches tell us that what you wish for is a dream, what you contemplate becomes possible, and what you schedule happens. So, you need to make an appointment with yourself each week. Would you take a moment, grab your calendar and put two things on there:
- Put a short time on every day to move your body.
- Set aside time each week to watch the videos and do the homework.
To help you with this, I’ve created an exercise journal for you.
Then, every few days, progress through the videos below.
Next, you need to prepare for week 2 by taking some online tests.
- Are you an introvert or extrovert? Take this free test and pay particular attention to your I/E (introvert/extrovert) score.
- What is your love language?
- Buy the StrengthsFinder 2.0
book. Once you’ve read the first 35 pages, take the online test and keep your results handy.
Week 1
Below, you will find your two videos, as well as additional information. If you have questions, you can always email me at
Video 2
Video 3
Supplemental information
Week 2
Welcome to week 2 of our Unstuck Bootcamp. I am praying for you as you go through this process. If you need assistance or have questions, please email me or reach out on Facebook. Thank you for walking through this process. I am excited to see what God will do in your life!
This week, we look at:
- Understanding the Energy cycle
- Identifying our strengths
- Identifying your love language and figuring out how that helps you connect with God
- Understanding what feeds our energy
Here are the videos:
Video 4
Video 5
This is a lot of information. Take time to pause when you need to and think through the details.
- In the webinar, we explained the Strengths by category. Here is the graph.
- Download the Strengths/Energy flow Chart. This is a Word document that you can use to keep track of what you are doing that uses your strengths. If you don’t have word, click here for the pdf version. You’ll want to use this to create your own chart.
- Here are the links you will need for your free online quizzes for love languages and Myers Briggs-type Assessment.
For each strength, look at your Strengthsfinder book and find out what it looks like, then as you go through the week, look for where you are using that strength. For me, Activator means to take action, Learner means learning. I would look for ways that I am learning, and for ways that I’m putting what I learn into action.
- Things that you do to gain energy, but it uses energy instead
- Beliefs that keep you from using your strengths
- Fears that keep you from expanding your strengths
Success is a journey,not a destination
I am praying for you as you go through this week. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me via email.
Week 3
Welcome to week 3 of the Get Unstuck Bootcamp!
You are 3/4 of the way to your new direction!
Thank you for walking through this process. I am excited to see what God will do in your life!
This week, we look at:
- What if you aren’t using your strengths
- What about the strengths you don’t have
- How strengths and giftings work together
- How do you fit?
At the end of this week, you should have an idea of what your ideal sweet spot is, and you should be able to complete these two sentences: “I am at my best when…”; and “One thing I do that helps me be at my best is…”
Here are this week’s videos:
Video 6
Video 7
Video 8
Here are two spiritual gift assessments for you:
Spiritual Gifts Analysis – Church Growth Institute offers this Spiritual Gifts based ministry test. When you learn what your gifts are, then prayerfully consider how God might want to use those gifts to make a difference.
Spiritual Gift Test – This is a great resource for analyzing yourself and seeing the gifts that God has given you. It has long been one of my favorites.
Here are this week’s assignments:
- Pick one thing that highlights your strength, and start doing it.
- For this week, start exercising your strength and see what happens
- Prayer and journaling:
- With the columns in mind, consider who God has walking with you. How do you compliment each other?
- Look at how your strengths and giftings work together
- Make a Activities of Joy chart
I am praying for you this week. If you have any questions, others probably have similar questions. Please feel free to jump onto the Facebook group and start a conversations.
Week 4
Welcome to week 4 of the Get Unstuck Bootcamp.
By the end of this week, you will be officially Unstuck!
As always, if you need assistance or have questions, please comment below or email me from the email on the About page. Thank you for walking through this process. I am excited to see what God will do in your life!
This week, we:
- Choose to move forward
- Discover and understand the Flywheel principle
- Make a plan
- Find an accountability partner and plan followup
At the end of this week, you should have a plan for moving forward, and a great idea of what you want to do. In case you missed it, here is this week’s webinar:
Video 9
Video 10
Video 11
How did you answer these 3 questions? Are your answers different from when you started?
- What is your “must”
- Your must should relate to your sweet spot
- How do you get there
- This is how you are going to start pushing that flywheel – doing one thing every day to use and grow your strengths and/or giftings
- What 3 things do you need to tell yourself?
- These have to do with your limiting beliefs or fears. Rewrite those negative brain pathways for God’s perspective.